Mining Pool Addresses

In our Discord, we have a #blockinfo channel which reports blocks and tags them with pools as they come in. Here are the currently known pool addresses:

“pools”: [
[“GJjz2Du9BoJQ3CPcoyVTHUJZSj62i1693U”, “2Miners”],
[“GLTodZWWjuMWmXhu2fAtPM4e4Sv6Z2oZYP”, “2Miners Solo”],
[“GLHraJJfsNknm5wGCqSJ7V6cGDnA6gAV8y”, “BTGPool.Pro”],
[“GP4MnT7Xm4ahZhRcWFaqPGkZknMda1XuzA”, “BTGPool.Pro Solo”],
[“GWXoNm3DQ7itp69gGe1ssCc781barJEnXT”, “Coinblockers”],
[“GfdptpRd1m1jtgi32qEf1UU1myysTxQjsg”, “coinfoundry”],
[“GQ6Btf3KmRz4VoMsEZi7WBdCYuY1XeXTrY”, “Coinotron”],
[“GSsjeTZzaatwZS7J978DQzv322eAr79KLp”, “InDefensiPool”],
[“GSArGviLRTDBYSY69f7v9o6Dc7jhNY2Txo”, “Minergate”],
[“GK18bp4UzC6wqYKKNLkaJ3hzQazTc3TWBw”, “Mining Pool Hub”],
[“GQNEwicYgJRoZpc6syG1XEqvPEAN5Pxmnt”, “”],
[“GVJpXyJvaewn39Z422EUwygtMZxsSkSXjo”, “Prohashing”],
[“GeNNVzHUpD1p9S5Wz9E9vW86Ars82cokPu”, “”],
[“GVZcZ19tkXszrJeZcKNb7XG1PWHz5QxN4Y”, “Zergpool”],
[“GgLRqtLhNaKVKzukHuQze4soRhixpGMH25”, “”],
[“AZxANQhV5qRBsS2xy6rt29FsvfjVbyXTxt”, “”]

If you see a block in the #blockinfo channel and it does not identify the Miner, but you know who the miner was based on the address, feel free to drop a line here and we’ll add it to the bot config.

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bot is gone now, enjoy your night.

We’ve also updated the bot so that when a block is mined that does not match any of the addresses in the list, it now shows the miner’s address. (As a link that goes to our Explorer for that address.)

As always, feel free to report if you know the owners of any “mystery” addresses!

Unidentified addresses we’re seeing in the past day:




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