Unable to send to Bitcone Gold purse.

I bought BTG at the Korea Bithumb Exchange.
But you can’t send BTG to your BTG purse, although it’s a long list.
Why? Why not send it by BTG purse yet?

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Hello, Bithumb has chosen to not allow BTG withdrawal from their exchange yet. This has nothing to do with our network.

Team members and community members have already reached out to them multiple times.

The last I heard, they were testing our network for stability. Hope they will allow it soon, sorry for the inconvenience.


That may be what they say, but that’s actually ridiculous on the face of it.

The Bitcoin Gold mining network and blockchain have been stable since the day of launch, and have had exactly Zero downtime… and everyone can see this because the blockchain is completely public.

Any Exchange’s decision not to allow withdrawals is their doing, not ours. They may have a variety of internal or regulatory concerns, but BTG’s network stability is certainly not among those concerns.


I agree completely, but was just stating the facts I am aware of.

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제 생각은. 한국 bithumb이나 coinnest 등등 죄다 출금이 안되는 이유는
바로 일본의 coincheck 의 NEM과 같다고 생각합니다.

즉… 빗썸에 비트골드가 없다고 생각해요.

그리고 역프까지 껴 있으니, withdraw 한다면 분명히
BTG 갯수가 부족하겠죠. 그리고 해외에서 사와야 할테고…

그래서 한국의 거래소들은 지갑을 수신은 받지만, 송신은 안해주고 있다고 생각합니다.

한마디로 사기라고 생각해요.

coincheck도 동일하게 존재하지 않는 NEM을 팔았죠…

I’m also upset that they still haven’t opened withdrawals… but there are a variety of complex reasons why this may be the case. It’s not necessarily fraud.

Perhaps it’s a regulatory issue. Perhaps there are back-office complexities we’re not aware of. If they have a technical problem, I hope they realize they can reach out to us for assistance - we’ve helped other exchanges get up and running.

Let’s not rule anything out - but by all means, make sure to raise your voice to THEM. We don’t dictate what they do.

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