Core wallet bitcoin-gold-0.15.2 noob questions

Hello everyone , I am new to BTG and I downloaded the wallet on linux. everything went smoothly and I ran it and downloaded the blockchain .

I have two questions .
in which folder the blockchain is stored ?
and the backup crates a DAT file , but where are the keys in case I don’t have the DAT ?

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Hey their mate, It’s possible to export your private key for each address you have created in core so i would recommend only use one for receiving or you will need to export your private key for each address. To export your private key for say keeping (Write it down and never share it) Go into the debug menu in core Under the “help tab” and type “dumpprivkey” (Followed by your wallet address)

Best of luck mate and if you need any more help feel free to contact us on telegram discord or by email at [email protected]

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Thank you very much . that was a quick answer :slight_smile:

What do you meany by the term private key???

Every wallet address is created with a private key.

The private key is used by your wallet software to sign transactions sending funds out of the address - the private key has the power to control your funds.

This also means that anyone who gets your private key can spend your funds! You must be very careful with your private key.

For this reason, most wallet software won’t even show you the private key unless you take specifics steps to reveal it - which you should only do under very safe conditions.

For high security, some people use a “hardware wallet” - this is a device which holds the private key without putting it on your computer or mobile. If the private key is never on your computer, it can’t be stolen from your computer.